Wednesday 1 June 2016

Pugs: some too scared to sleep at night

"There are tons of videos of dogs awaking with a start in the middle of the night, and owners laughing about it. Stupidly enough, people get a good giggle from these videos, because they think it�s 'cute' when their pug jolts out of their sleep and looks around confusedly. What they don�t know is that their dog nearly just died from suffocation. With the soft palate blocking the entrance of the trachea, the dogs stop breathing. Their oxygen levels drop and at some point the brain will send warning signals in order for the dog to wake up, hence the panicked and confused startle. For some dogs this even gets so bad, that they refuse to sleep at night, because they�re simply scared. Yeah, it�s that horrible. 
"In case your brachycephalic dog snores: that�s the soft palate hanging down into the airway and vibrating during expiration. No, it�s not cute. It�s a fucking airway obstruction!"

Read the rest here - written by Nadia Ayu who is studying to be a vet at the University of Leipzig in Germany.

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