Thursday 16 June 2016

Goodbye Little Korra.....

Some really sad news.....

Yesterday little Korra lost her fight against Lymphoma leaving behind her new family who loved her dearly. The rapid deterioration we were expecting arrived much sooner than we'd all hoped, and the world lost a loving little soul, who was enjoying her new life so much.

I'd like to thank everyone who got behind Korra and supported her fight by donating towards her veterinary costs, you helped give her every chance. 

I can't put into words how much I'd like to thank Frankie, Kris and Rook for giving Korra everything. It was a fairytale come true..... the vet nurse falling for a real sweetheart when she needed it the most. They are all heartbroken right now, but they can be incredibly proud of what they did and of the fight shown by their little girl.....

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