Thursday 20 August 2015

We Can't Believe He's Gone.....

I guess sometimes things really do come to test you, and on top of trying my best to keep this charity afloat, tonight my family and I have to come to terms with losing a dog that has had such a huge and loving place in our home and our hearts. Rohan had quickly deteriorated over the space of 24 hours, and yesterday I rushed him to the vets as he was unable to hold in urine. Tests showed that that wasn't the case, in fact it was the exact opposite and he was unable to pass water. The wetness we were witnessing was because his bladder was overflowing. He must of been so uncomfortable and in so much discomfort.

A scan showed there was no tumours or stones in the bladder, and both blood and urine tests showed no sign of infection. Good in one way, but so terribly bad in another.....

The lesions on his spinal chord had deteriorated and somehow the pressure they were delivering was effecting his bladder. There was absolutely nothing we could do.

Rohan was an incredible dog. He loved the kids and they loved him. Since arriving at the vets yesterday he had refused to stand up. It was as if he had given up, tonight though as Neve and Grace were leaving him he decided to stand up and walk after them. So sad, but so beautiful. We spent some time with him enjoying the sun, then we had to let him go. He slipped away his head in Rachel's and my arms. He was so tired he simply slept away.

Here's some of our memories of our beautiful big brave boy who battled so hard against CDRM.

I really can't believe that he has gone, and as I type this I'm looking for him lying down by my feet. He was so gentle, so loving. All he ever wanted was to be loved. Below is the post I used to introduce him to you, the state he was in. I don't know how anyone could of treat him like that.

He got that love with us, but gave so much more back. How we are going to cope without him I really don't know.....

This sorry state turned up at The Rescue Place just over a week ago. Emaciated, smelly, matted and his ears so rotten that a vet inspection raised the question of euthanasia. Rohan as we have called him (meaning healing medicine) is no where near time for death, in fact every day he loves life more. He is currently staying with me, and through medication, good food (Geoff''s secret pasta) and plenty of rest, he is getting stronger day by day. Tomorrow he is away for a pamper day, and although I have stripped bags of matted fur from him I know he will look and feel so much better for it. I will keep you updated on his recovery on here.

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