Wednesday 26 August 2015

An Update On The Lurcher..... (WARNING MORE GRAPHIC IMAGES)

Our guest tonight.
As promised here is an update on the little Lurcher from this morning. Surgery went very well and tonight she is staying with us before moving onto her new Foster Home in the morning.

A couple of text messages from a vet nurse probably sums her operation up better than I ever could.....

"Just coming round from GA, chest and abdo xrays fine. Had a lateral right neck wound which was 2cm from her jugular vein, her left lateral neck wound was less than a cm in depth from her trachea and chest cavity, the wound on her back was literally bordering her spinal chord! She has been a very very lucky dog!

They're clean cuts though, no grazes and minimal brusing unlikely to be a RTA I think shes
tore herself or someones done it to her, no evidence of dog bites the wounds are too deep"

Wounds clean up and ready for surgery.

The wound on her back goes very deep and has caused a lot of muscle damage way beyond the initial visible wound.

You can see how close this wound was to her jugular!
So the plot thickens, and finally at 10 months old this girl has the chance to begin her life. I'd like to say a couple of thank you's to the people that have made that possible..... Northumberland Council Animal Welfare Team, the whole crew at St Clair's Vets, and of course her new Foster Mam and Dad.

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