Wednesday 26 August 2015

The Flame Reignites..... (WARNING GRAPHIC IMAGES)

If ever there was a time I needed something to keep the fire burning inside me it's right now. I just can't  seem to shake the huge sense of loss and being cheated since losing Rohan and Molly. Two wonderful dogs who were taken far to soon and when they had just found happiness.

Life does go on though, and a phone call yesterday afternoon reignited that spark. Reignited it in a big way.

This beautiful girl was found in a pool of blood at a local beauty spot yesterday, too weak to stand she had to be carried on a stretcher. First suspicions were that her wounds were from gun shots,  or even from being beaten with a blunt instrument.  At the very least they are tear wounds from running through fences.....

Last night one of the vet nurses very kindly took her home.Today she is getting x rays to find out for sure. Through a microchip her owner has been located and claims she had run away from him. He has signed her over. What he could reveal was that she is 10 months old,  and that he was her 4th owner.

A few phonecalls last night and some wonderful kind hearts means that she now has a foster home to go to straight from the vets,  and possibly for the first time witness love and TLC whilst she recovers.

In the meantime I'll let the photos do the talking.....

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