Tuesday 19 April 2016

The Launch Of The SHAK Club Sponsorship Scheme.....

The start of 2016 has been the toughest year yet in the 10 years that SHAK has been operating. Tough in every aspect, but two in particular have had a serious effect on our work.
 The volume of stray and unwanted pets in the UK seems to be at a record high, with rescues saturated everywhere, and at every level. The rehoming centres are full, the breed specific rescues are full, and the specialist rescues like ourselves are above and beyond capacity. Like us, many I�m sure have endless lists of lost and unwanted souls just waiting for a space. We receive requests every day, but with our resources always stretched to almost breaking point, we�ve had to say no to so many.....

The reason for SHAK existing is to help the dogs that really need it the most. To provide sanctuary and a safe haven for those dogs that have nowhere else, to give them somewhere to work through their issues, to give them somewhere to call home..... even if that means for the rest of their lives.
With over 70 dogs now in our care, we are struggling to save more. We have to protect the ones that we have, but by saying no we are consigning many others to death. In today�s world that is the stark reality.

On average at any kennels you�d expect to pay at least �5 per day to keep a rescue dog safe. That equates to �35 per week, or �140 per month for every single dog we have. Even in our most quiet spells we operate with at least 50 dogs in our care at one time. That�s 50 x �140 which comes to an enormous �7,000 per month.

YOU CAN HELP.....  Saving the lives of these dogs is paramount to us, we have to continue to be able to provide them with somewhere safe to go. If you were to donate just �5 a week a dog would be guaranteed a bed and food for a day. If 6 other people did likewise then that would be a kennel secured for a dog for a week.It soon adds up, that �5 per week, every week, would mean a dog would be looked after for a whole month for just �20 or �260 would look after that dog for the full year!

So we are asking you to help us continue our work, asking for your help us to safeguard these dogs that have already suffered so much. If you can afford to donate �20 per month or if your business can afford a one off sponsorship donation of �260 for a full years support, it would mean so much not only to us, but to the dogs themselves.

Please print off the standing order form below and send it to your bank. If you are a business we can show our gratitude by adding you to our list of sponsors on our SHAK Club Sponsorship page on our website. Your name and logo will also be added to all the SHAK Club correspondence and be displayed on the walls of our head office in Alnwick for everyone that attends our regular talks and seminars to see. Whilst providing you with recognition of your support and generosity, such promotion will also act as a small token to show our appreciation.
Thank you for taking the time to read through this post. Working together you really can help us make a difference to the lives of the dogs that have been let down so badly by humans already. We are their only chance, and their only hope. By helping us you really can be the deciding factor between life and death.....

SHAK. Greenwell Road, Alnwick, Northumberland NE66 1HB.

Registered Charity Number:1125159

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