Thursday 28 April 2016

And the answer to the question is...

Just over two weeks ago, I posed the question: what breed is this five-week-old puppy? Most people, not surprisingly, thought she was a Neapolitan Mastiff.

The answer? This pup is a Great Dane of the extreme type now favoured in some parts of Europe, particularly France.

For comparison, here's a 'normal' 5-wk-old Dane pupster.

So how will the first pup grow up?

Well here's her sire.


And here's her dam.

Compare those two with what Great Danes used to look like.

German Champion Bosco Von Der Saalburg (b: 8/8/1921)

German Champion Dolf Von Der Saalburg (b: 2/7/1924)
Want to see the rest of the 'hypertype' litter? (Source)

The  mastiffication of the Great Dane in Europe is one of dog-breeding's true horrors. Today in the French show-ring we're seeing dogs like this, bred by people who have completely lost the plot.

Interested in learning more about this issue? Check out Maria Gkinala's fantastic - if deeply depressing - Great Dane Gnosis blog. Her most recent blog entry features this hypertype Italian-bred dog.

He's an international champion, no less, approved for breeding by the European Union of Great Dane Clubs.  

We see some bloody awful Danes in the UK show-ring here, too - generally lighter in build, but with some truly dreadful eyes.

Astonishingly the owner of this UK dog chose to take her to an open show last summer, instead of to a vet.   

She didn't win, but to even think this is OK to exhibit..? 

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