Thursday 3 March 2016

Another That So Nearly Slipped The Net.....

Yesterday started off like any other day, but a text message at tea time changed the way the day was going, and also saved a life.

Further south a Lurcher thought to be only 6 months old had been taken to the vets with a suspected broken leg. From the conversation there seemed to be only two options. The owner had to find money to have the leg amputated or the dog was destroyed.

He is only 6 months old.....

A picture from the vets. Look at how his leg is bent!
That's where the text to me came in, and having seen the brilliant work that the team at Moorview had done in the past for our other Lurchers with similar horrific injuries, I knew we had to give him every chance.

We had to wait till this morning for confirmation that the owner would sign him over and that the vets would release him, but tonight I'm pleased to say that he is being comforted in our good friend Julie's home before I travel south in the morning to get him. Surgery is planned for tomorrow afternoon.
X Rays show the break.

However, our vets are confident that the leg can be fixed and saved from amputation.
Once we know the full extent of his injury and the cost of putting it right we will be launching a funding appeal, but the most important thing for him is that he is safe and on his way to a new start.....He weighs only 11kg and is covered with fleas.

Relaxing at Julies tonight, waiting for his taxi north tomorrow.
So a life saved, and hopefully his leg. At this point I'd like to thank Julie Marsden for being there for him and interrupting my tea! And for Moorview Vets once again for simply being brilliant!

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