Monday 11 January 2016

We Still Remember These Two Special Ones.....

This weekend is the third anniversary of SHAK losing two little dogs with BIG personalities. Three years ago yesterday Serena had to say goodbye to little Sky and then just 24 hours my little girl Neve had to say goodbye to the little stray that she had taken is as her own, Brookes.

I know from speaking to Serena this week that she often thinks of Sky and has recently had a beautiful plaque made for the garden. Little Brookes left a big hole and a big impression on a little girl and all the family.....

"In a sad 12 hours SHAK had to say goodbye to two of its oldies and leave Serena and myself with broken hearts. Sky and Brookes were both gorgeous old Staffordshire Bull Terriers that I picked up as strays, both reduced me to tears when I collected them as they clearly had serious health issues. Sky was snapped up by Serena within hours of arriving, whilst Brookes..... well he never made it past my front door.

After 10 months with Serena, old age seemed to catch up with Sky and last night she was let go to a place better than this. Serena had nursed her so patiently and lovingly in that time, I know how hard she is finding her not being there.
Sky Looking Cool.
Brookes was such a character, my daughter loved him instantly and at the tender age of 6 adopted her first dog! He was also very brave, and eventually his battle with cancer took him from us this morning.
Brookes and his Mammy.

Both these dogs had been abandoned by the people who were supposed to love them, both have left this world with people absolutely heart broken. Their breed would of made it even more difficult to find them homes, and I am extremely grateful to Serena for helping Sky and to Neve for helping me hang onto an amazing little man. Brookes came to live with me within 24 hours of Miko's arrival. I have lost them both now, but I will never lose the memories of such amazing dogs. Run free brave girl and boy."

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