Friday 18 February 2011


What are your feelings about puppies winning Winners Dog or Winners Bitch at a major pointed specialty show? How would it make you feel if your dog took a reserve to this puppy and your dog could have finished his championship that day with that win? Would you have felt robbed? Would you think that that was fair losing to a puppy?

Do you think that a puppy should go winners bitch at a show the size of a National Specialty show? Do you really think that an adult bitch can�t be found in all those entries that are better than the puppy? How would you feel if that same puppy went on to a Select title that very same year? You mean to tell me that with all those beautiful champions in the Best of breed competition at a National Specialty that a puppy should beat them for this special title? Do you consider it fair or are you of the belief that a puppy can fall apart as they have not had the time to fully mature yet?

I mean we all know that the winners from each of the classes will go back to compete for the Winners Bitch and Winners Male at these shows and that includes the winners from the puppy classes. But just think if you get to the National level with your top winning bitch or male and then he or she is beat by the winning puppy for a Select title. How would that make you feel?

If any of you reading this has had a puppy take major points at a Specialty show, you know the thrill and excitement that this brings to you. Many standing ringside are feeling the same thrill and excitement as you are and some are in downright disbelief. My very own BIM Ch Arbar�s Xanadu ROM took two five point majors from the puppy class and deserved to do so. She was a star right from the beginning. It doesn�t happen a lot, but when it does, it can be the thrill of a life time. I wonder how many of these puppies fall apart and never do finish their championships! Is it fair then to the older, more mature dog that was ready to take those points and has already realized his earlier potential?

The judge has to judge the quality of his winners on the day that he is judging them. He can�t think that the puppy may not fill the potential of what he is now. He can�t look to the future. He must judge them the day that they set foot in his ring.

Let�s face it, if truth be told, no one wants to lose to a puppy! Worst yet when you own a champion, you don�t want to lose the breed to a puppy. It happens. Not often, but it happens. Worst yet is if it happens from a puppy from the youngest of all classes�..the 6 � 9 puppy class!

So what do you think? Should puppies win the major points and should they be awarded a Select title at a National specialty show? Or are you of the belief like some that the puppy still has time to mature and because of this, the more mature dog that has realized his full potential should be the one that receives the points? Can you be happy for the person whose puppy just won it all? It takes a good sport to congratulate the owner of this puppy!

From the book: "HAPPINESS: UNLOCKING THE MYSTERIES OF PSYCHOLOGICAL WEALTH"...."This book is absolutely a delight to read. [The authors] have made the science very accessible and practical. You will love the stories they weave into the text. The Dieners take us along on their adventures around the world. We tag along as they unlock the mysteries of happiness. As you read the book you come to understand why Diener is known as the �Jedi Master of Happiness� and why Biswas-Diener has been called the �Indiana Jones of Psychology.� Get the book, settle into a comfortable chair, buckle your seat belt, and enjoy the ride." (Positive Psychology News Daily)

My ratings: Puppies being awarded the major points at a dog show: (2 - 4)!

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