Thursday 23 December 2010


I�ve read a few times that the German Shepherd Dog has the intelligence equal to a seven year old child. Taking that one step further, I�ve also read that we humans learn the most we ever learn in the first five years of our lives. If that last sentence is true, then just think of what the German Shepherd Dog could be capable of learning! Very few of us��.no I take that back��.none of us can ever learn all there is to ever know. We could never hope to teach the German Shepherd Dog everything that a seven year old child knows. I dare say that most of this breeds intelligence level is never, ever realized to even half of that equation.

Thinking how intelligent this breed is it would be a little scary if they really knew all there was to know that a seven year old child knows. Without ever teaching them anything, their quest to know what�s going on at all times is never satisfied. I only own three dogs (all bitches) and they�re all smart just because they�re a German Shepherd, but one of them is the nosiest of the nosy! I could have a box the size that holds a ring and I could put it somewhere that she�d never see it, but she�d know it was there. Her nose is always up in the air sniffing around to see what her nose can lead her to.

I also think that once you train this breed to learn something, they never forget it. They might be a little rusty, but they don�t forget. Now that says something for their intelligence. My house dog Amber (see the above picture � yes that�s her reading a literary masterpiece of her own choice) has been trained by me to do certain easy tasks. She also knows hand signals for those tasks. Now I don�t always ask her to do these tricks all the time. In fact besides the command of �sit�, she pretty much does as she pleases. Today I gave her a few commands and then did hand signals with her and her recall was excellent. She was an easy learner and eager to please when I trained her. Her daughters are another story waiting to be written!

Training dogs is hard work and takes a dedication on the owner�s part to train their dogs. But oh the rewards are worth any time that you put in them. There is nothing nicer than a well trained animal. They�re easier to live with and easier to go places with. Besides the general public will thank you for the time that you�ve put into your dog. No one enjoys being jumped on or mauled to death (in a friendly way)!

So Amber and I chose a �Seasons Greetings� and most sincere wishes for you, your family and loved ones. Oh yeah, and all those intelligent German Shepherds that you share your life with. This is really not a poem geared towards Christmas but the words can be enjoyed and lived with all through the year. I can�t take credit for the construction of the �words of wisdom� and I can�t give credit where credit is due as it says the author is unknown. That said������HAPPY EVERYTHING��EVERYONE!

The most destructive habit..............................Worry

The greatest Joy.................................................Giving

The greatest loss........................Loss of self-respect

The most satisfying work....................Helping others

The ugliest personality trait....................Selfishness

The most endangered species........Dedicated leaders

Our greatest natural resource....................Our youth

The greatest "shot in the arm"...........Encouragement

The greatest problem to overcome........................Fear

The most effective sleeping pill.............Peace of mind

The most crippling failure disease....................Excuses

The most powerful force in life..............................Love

The most dangerous pariah.............................A gossiper

The world's most incredible computer..........The brain

The worst thing to be without................................ Hope

The deadliest weapon.......................................The tongue

The two most power-filled words......................."I Can"

The greatest asset......................................................Faith

The most worthless emotion................................Self-pity

The most beautiful attire.....................................SMILE!

The most prized possession.............................. Integrity

The most powerful channel of communication.....Prayer

The most contagious spirit..............................Enthusiasm

Written By: � Author Unknown

My rating: Training the German Shepherd Dog: (4), Living with a well trained dog: (4)

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