Thursday 18 November 2010


I would say that I�ve read hundreds upon hundreds of quotations and little sayings. I just love discovering some profound �words of wisdom� in a sentence or two or even a short paragraph. It�s always nice to see credit given to the original author of these quotations but sometimes the author is unknown but not any less worthy of having his thoughts shared with those who care to keep him company. So here�s a piece that I ran across recently and how I�ve added my own �words of wisdom� to include my thoughts about the German Shepherd Dog and his people!

The most destructive habit..............................Worry

We breeders have a tendency to worry about if a puppy is going to grow up and realize the potential that we saw in him from the time he took his first step. Sometimes we need to sit back and let the youngster grow up even if it takes him a few years to do it. No one says he has to become a champion from the puppy glasses. Practice patience!

The greatest Joy.................................................Giving

There is nothing more rewarding than giving to those that are on the receiving end of ones generosity. Nowhere is this more evident than with those that help the German Shepherds that are discarded and thrown away like garbage. Rescue is another word for �Giving!�

The greatest loss........................Loss of self-respect

When we see some people doing whatever it is that they feel they need to do to win whether it�s dying a dog�s coat, cosmetically changing a dog�s appearance, using drugs to enhance a dog�s attitude in the ring or buying a judge with favors then it�s time to re-evaluate why you are showing in the first place. When one resorts to underhanded politics to win or get ahead, then not only do they lose people�s interest in their dogs but lose their self-respect among their peers. Once they�re found out, people avoid them like the plague. Selling out to the devil is never a winning proposition!

The most satisfying work....................Helping others

We too often hear of all the bad things other people are doing and unfortunately not enough of all the good things people are doing in this breed. When�s the last time we thanked the rescue workers for all that they do? How about all the many, many volunteers that make up the Parent Club, The German Shepherd Dog Club of America? Thank you�.just two little words that mean so very much!

The ugliest personality trait....................Selfishness

When those few in the breed are only concerned about what�s in it for me than the whole breed suffers because many people will believe that this is what the people in our breed are all about. When the needs of certain people become before the needs of the breed than we are viewed as people that don�t really care and only want what we want.

The most endangered species........Dedicated leaders

Oh my goodness nowhere is there truer in our breed than right now. The Parent Club of the German Shepherd Dog Club of America is in need of strong, dedicated leaders that can lead us out of the darkness of �behind closed door� meetings and bring the club of the greatest breed of dog on this earth to the membership where it belongs!

Our greatest natural resource....................Our youth

We need to remember that our youth are the leaders of tomorrow and the guardianship of the German Shepherd Dog and its clubs and dog shows. Treat our youth kindly, guide our youth and help make them the type of people that can take the responsibility of this great breed to future generations to flourish and grow.

The greatest "shot in the arm"...........Encouragement

Encourage and help the new person so they will look forward to carry on the tradition of responsible German Shepherd Dog ownership.

The greatest problem to overcome........................Fear

Do not fear something that hasn�t even happened because 99% of the time it won�t happen anyway. So do that breeding. Show that dog. Volunteer for that committee!

The most effective sleeping pill.............Peace of mind

I love this one. When you are honest about your breeding program, about your showing ethics, about your involvement in this breed, then you know you�ve done it the right way and indeed sleep will come easily.

The most crippling failure disease....................Excuses

He tried to bite the judge because he had an upset stomach that morning. He didn�t win because the judge is a crook instead of really; truly looking at and evaluating your dog��he�s just not that good!

The most powerful force in life..............................Love

If you don�t know what love is after owning one of these fabulous dogs then you better go out and buy yourself a marble statue which has absolutely no redeeming value whatsoever no less capable of giving you any love!

The most dangerous pariah.............................A gossiper

Do you want to know what a gossiper is? Come follow me, let me introduce you to some of the worlds best��welcome to the world of dog people!

The world's most incredible computer..........The brain

Put your brain to good use and you�ll own a good dog. Put your dog�s brain to good use and you�ll own an incredible dog!

The worst thing to be without................................ Hope

If you don�t come into this breed with hope in your heart, then you�re surely get what you�re expecting��nothing!

The deadliest weapon.......................................The tongue

See gossiper��some lives have been destroyed by a vicious tongue!

The two most power-filled words......................."I Can"

You�ll do in this breed (and life) what you believe �you can!�

The greatest asset......................................................Faith

Believe it can be done and it will be!

The most worthless emotion................................Self-pity

�Oh if only my dog was bred by so and so. If only my dog had better bitches bred to him. If only I was friends with the judge, then my dog would win.� Cry me a river!!

The most beautiful attire.....................................SMILE!

Be more friendly, being more approachable. Smile when you don�t even really feel like it. You�ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain. People like happy people.
The most prized possession.............................. Integrity

Never sell yourself short to win a dog show or breed to a dog because everyone else is doing it. Be true to yourself!

The most powerful channel of communication.....Prayer

Yes it takes a good dog to win, but sometimes it takes a little bit of luck and a whole lot of prayers!

The most contagious spirit..............................Enthusiasm

Everybody loves a winner is not necessarily true in the show ring, but even when there are those that are not happy for your win, show your enthusiasm for the breed anyway. Who knows, they just might hate you a little bit more!!!

From the book: "THE BOOK OF POSITIVE QUOTATIONS"....This book is the best I've seen....on positive quotes and inspirational ones....If you're into inspirational quotes and want them broken down by category, this is your book.

My rating: Raising, breeding & showing dogs with integrity: (4)

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