Friday 27 August 2010


Whether you breed, show or just own the German Shepherd Dog doesn�t mean that you won�t experience a little of each of these things at one time or another (good, bad & ugly). So let�s take a look at some of these things.


The pride of ownership of the best all around, �do everything� with type of dog.
There really isn�t too much that you can�t do with this dog. He�s extremely devoted and is need to please in unrivaled.
He�s a great watchdog.
He�s a great baby (kid) sitter.
He loves to go out for hikes or walks.
Many of them love car rides.
He�s very easy to train.
He definitely is the �poster� child for �Man�s Best Friend.�
I think more movies have been made with the German Shepherd Dog than any other breed of dog.
He�s a hero! I bet he�s the breed of dog that is instrumental to saving and rescuing more people�s lives than any other breed.
He�s very good at sizing up people knowing if the person has good intentions and who doesn�t.
He doesn�t make friendships easily with strangers.
The devotion of some people in this breed that work unselfish hours to rescue them from shelters or other abusive situations.
The breeders that take responsibility for ALL the dogs that they breed, whether it�s a pet, show, or working animal.
These are the same breeders if a rescue calls and says we have one of your dogs, that they take the dog back and re-home him.
Breeding a healthy, strong litter of German Shepherd puppies.
Breeders who give the best care to their animals through proper nutrition, immunizations and training.
The lasting friendships that we make because we share the same love for this breed.
The wealth of information that can be found through communication from one breeder to another.
The amount of time and devotion that some people in this breed give to their local breed clubs and the Parent club.
The �newbies� still coming into the breed.
Helping the �newbies� coming into the breed by being a mentor to them.
The German Shepherd Dog will always be a beloved breed simple because they are what a dog should be like.

The number one �bad� about the German Shepherd Dog���DOG HAIR!!! EVERYWHERE!!! THIS BREED SHEDS A LOT!!!
They never live long enough. 8 � 12 years (give or take), but never enough for anyone that owns and loves this breed.
Because of their popularity, many people that should not be breeding are breeding because of the money they hope to get from this popular breed of dog.
Because of the over breeding of the German Shepherd Dog, many of them will find their final �homes� in a kill shelter.
Intestinal health problems as well as other genetic dispositions for certain diseases.
People that breed and don�t know the first thing about how to read a pedigree.
People that breed that don�t know the first things about the proper structure and movement of the German Shepherd Dog.
People that should never have their judging license because (see my last sentence).
People that don�t know how to train and socialize this breed.
The lack of sportsmanship by some that exhibit dogs.
The same judges judging the National every couple of years when there are those judges that are never asked that could do an equally good job or even better!
The expense of some dog foods that we would love to feed our animals, but we can�t afford so we have to feed a lesser quality food.
Some people never volunteer when they belong to a club but instead bellyache about how the club is run.
These same people reap the rewards of those that do do the work for the club.
And what about those people that never say �Thank you, or congratulations� to their fellow exhibitors?
The �newbies� leaving the breed because of the indifference shown to them by those that should know better.
Being in the breed with the attitude of "What's in it for me?" rather than what good you can do for the breed.

Those breeders that are told that one of their dogs is in a shelter and they say, �It�s not my problem!�
German Shepherd puppies and adults being used as �bait� dogs for fighting breeds of dogs.
Those judges that are dishonest and set up the �winners� before you even walk in the ring with your dog!
Those exhibitors that would even ask a judge to put up their dog because of friendship, or because the judge wants to get a lot of judging assignments that the exhibitor has promised to make sure that he does.
Anyone that would abuse this breed through neglect, indifference, torture or with the intention to cause it harm in any way!
The ingredients in some dog foods, like rendered concoctions � road kill, diseased animals, dead animals from shelters, etc.
Those that pass judgment on others in the breed by spreading vicious lies and gossip about someone or their animals hoping to get people to believe them.
This is especially ugly when it comes from people in the breed that should be setting an example rather than being an example of what people never want to be like!
Because of the indifference by some, the breed clubs diminish, the entries are down and the sport of showing dogs as we once knew it may not be re-visited again for some time if ever again.

So these are just my thoughts and like usual just my opinion.

From the book: "WHEN FRIENDSHIP HURTS: Does anything hurt worse than betrayal by a close friend? Sociologist and friendship expert Jan Yager (Friendshifts: The Power of Friendship and How It Shapes Our Lives) explores failed, hurtful, and destructive friendships in When Friendship Hurts.

The book describes 21 types of potentially negative friends. The "Rival," for example, is envious to the point of malice. The "Blood-sucker" expects you to be there every moment. The "Controller" must be in charge of everything, from where you meet for lunch to whom you date. Yager lays out strategies for dealing with the problems when you want to keep the friendship, while also warning about extreme behavior and discussing triggers that lead to friendship conflicts, such as jealousy, anger, and change (of marital status or job, for example). Yager also guides you to examine your own destructive or harmful traits and recognize patterns in your family background that affect your friendships. Overall, this book will help you learn how to deal with destructive friendships--when and how to save them, when and how to end them, and how to cope when a business friendship goes wrong.

My rating: The Good: (4), The Bad: (1), The Ugly: (1)

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