Friday 2 July 2010


Wow it�s already the Fourth of July week-end! I hope you all have some wonderful plans with your family and friends. I�m sure there will be lots of cook-outs, parties, and just good old �hanging out� type of fun. I�m sure some of your dogs look forward to these events with all the special foods that they can grub off of your guests. Have fun and be safe on the roads everyone.

Besides all the wonderful breeders we have in the German Shepherd Dog community, we also have so many different talented people. Most of us don�t even know of some of the talents of the people that we meet. I get to meet lots of people because of my writings. People introduce themselves to me all the time through their e-mails. I love it because I get to discover there�s a lot more to some people than just showing dogs.

I got to meet one of these people that I�ve done a couple of articles already about her writings here on this blog. Her name is Kathy Sater-Partch. Now I already knew that she was a great writer with her wonderful stories that she has so generously shared with us, but I didn�t know the wonderful artwork that she does. I didn�t know that she was the lady that did the drawings (cartoons) of the German Shepherd �Sedona� that has been in the German Shepherd Dog Review many times. Well when she sent me some of her work, I just knew that I wanted to share it with my readers. Multi-talented��that she is!

By the way, if any of you would like to share a story with us about anything pertaining to our wonderful breed, I�d be happy to look at it. You could be a writer, artist, photographer, metal worker��as long as it�s associated with the German Shepherd Dog. Please get in touch with me. Perhaps I can display your story in one of my articles here on this blog. Now onto Kathy and her fantastic �toons� as she calls them. This is what she wrote to me about herself.

I am a retired professional percussionist of twenty six years. I have been an animal photographer and fine artist for forty-eight years. I am totally self-taught in the arts. My mother, Muriel Sater is an artist, my brothers, as well as my mother�s only sibling, Lois Chruthers and two of her four children. So I believe it�s in the genes.

I have won numerous dog photograph competitions and been honored for my fine art.

I have done numerous commissioned pieces. And of course art for family and friends. I have also done commissioned advertising signs with custom lettering.

I do realistic fine art. My favorite mediums are oil, pencil and ink. My cartoons are the humorous side of me. They were created in 1989 after my late white German Shepherd girl, UKC JoKay's Sedona, CD, CGC, OFA (see the above picture). I was asked long ago if I would do a German Shepherd Dog cartoon for a newsletter. I said, �I don�t do cartoon�s but I�ll think of something.� That�s how it all started. As I created the cartoon�s I kept adding more detail. My sister-in-law, Lynne Sater suggested I should start calling the drawings Art-toon�s because of all of the work I put into them.

Sedona was always such a funny girl. Just living every day life with her had given me most of my ideas. Almost every Sedona design is created from a photograph I had taken of her. I have hundreds of her poses yet to be used. Then I eventually added the funny dark sable guy, Otto with Sedona. Otto and Sedona are always teasing each other.
Please note that the words are not large enough for you to see of the dog and the grave stone.  So this is what it says:  "HATEFUL HARVEY.....Known as the best dog catcher in the county"

I do all of my Art-toon's in full color now. Each original design is 8.5" X 11.5" done in colored pencil, and black ink. Otherwise the most of them were done in black colored pencil and black ink. They have been published internationally. I have made many T-Shirts with the Art-toon�s on them. And now greeting cards will be available as other items.

My main goal in life is my German Shepherd Dogs, family, friends, music and my art. Without those things there wouldn�t be much to look forward to. I hope Sedona and Otto will bring a smile to your face.

Kathy Sater-Partch

Thank you Kathy for sharing your talent with us. Your love for the breed shines through in all of your work. You can take a look at Kathy�s wonderful work on her website at:

So this just about wraps up another week here on the blog. I can�t believe that this month marks the one year anniversary of me putting this blog together.

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