Friday 25 June 2010


Barbara J. Galasso

Some of you will be born a dog and some of you will own that dog.

Some of you will win. Some of you will fail.

Some of you will own a champion dog. Some of you will wonder why some of you did and why they didn�t.

Some of you will do great things in the breed and others will only talk about the great things that others do.

Some of you will get to the top honestly by working hard to achieve your goals. Some of you will lie, cheat, steal and do just about anything else you can think of just to achieve your goals.

Some of you will be asked for help and some of you will actually be the one that helps.

Some of you will be president and some of you will live under the jurisdiction of that president.

Some of you will turn everything you touch to gold and some of you will belly ache why them and not me.

Some of you will be loved and some of you will be hated.

Some of you will care and some of you won�t give a damn.

Some of you will breed the best dogs you can taking into consideration their health and character. Some of you will be only interested in breeding for looks and movement.

Some of you will go to all the club meetings, volunteer for all the committees and actively partake in your dog club. Some of you will rarely do any of these things, but want to know why the heck the club folded.

Some of you will teach and some of you will be taught.

Some of you will know the joy of owning and living with a German Shepherd because you have utilized and brought out this breeds fullest potential. Some of you will let this breed sit in a kennel never to have known what this fantastic breed is really all about.

Some of you will lead and some of you will be led.

Some of you will give all the credit to those that deserve it. Some of you will take all the credit even when you don�t deserve it.

Some of you will scratch your head and wonder �Why not me?� Some others will take your missed opportunities and succeed with a big old smile on their face saying, �Indeed, why not me?�

Some of you will use others for your own selfish means and some of you will allow them to use you with the false hope that they just might like you.

Some of you will gossip, laugh, point and stare while some of you will live your lives ensuring that they do.

Some of you will crawl through life and some of you will run through it.

Some of you will lend a hand and mentor the novices of the breed knowing that they are the future of it. Some of you will turn your back to them hoping they�re going away.

Some of you will create and some of you will destroy.

Some of you will devote hours upon hours of your time rescuing the German Shepherd Dog from the shelters. Some of you will be called up by those rescuers saying �We have one of your dogs� and some of you will say, �It�s not my problem.�

Some of you will participate and some of you will stagnate.

Some of you will chase and some of you will be chased.

Some of you will be looked up to and asked to be the President of the club. Some of you will do all the work behind the scenes and be the foundation that holds the club together, but no one asks you to run for anything.

Some of you will live by the �word� and some of you will die by the sword.

Some of you will have courage and be a hero and some of you will be spineless and forgettable.

Some of you will live each day like there is no tomorrow. Some of you will live each day wondering why you even got up in the first place.

Some of you will seek and discover and some of you remain lost and never found.

Some of you may think you�ve got it all figured out while some of you actually do.

Some of you when it�s time to take a trip to those �Pearly White Gates� will be wondering �Was that all there was to my life?� Some of you having lived life to the fullest here will slide into those Pearly White Gates asking �Where�s the party?�

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